POST api/Orders/Postt_orders
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
t_ordersName | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
None. |
schoolid | integer |
None. |
status | string |
None. |
notes | string |
None. |
type | string |
None. |
pm | string |
None. |
origin | string |
None. |
payrefid | string |
None. |
paynotes | string |
None. |
paycurrency | string |
None. |
paidtotal | decimal number |
None. |
emailsent | boolean |
None. |
dor | date |
None. |
dos | date |
None. |
childid | integer |
None. |
vendorid | integer |
None. |
staffid | integer |
None. |
token | string |
None. |
classid | integer |
None. |
wallet_amt | decimal number |
None. |
change | decimal number |
None. |
adminnotes | string |
None. |
credit_authrized | boolean |
None. |
cancelledby | string |
None. |
datecancelled | date |
None. |
reason | string |
None. |
createby | string |
None. |
show_parents | boolean |
None. |
balance_reminders | boolean |
None. |
cancelled_date | date |
None. |
update_by | string |
None. |
updatedate | date |
None. |
userid | integer |
None. |
mergeto | integer |
None. |
seq | integer |
None. |
orderref | string |
None. |
string |
None. |
t_childs | t_childs |
None. |
t_order_payments | Collection of t_order_payments |
None. |
t_vendors | t_vendors |
None. |
t_user_wallet | Collection of t_user_wallet |
None. |
t_users | t_users |
None. |
t_orderentry | Collection of t_orderentry |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
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Response Information
Resource Description
t_ordersName | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
None. |
schoolid | integer |
None. |
status | string |
None. |
notes | string |
None. |
type | string |
None. |
pm | string |
None. |
origin | string |
None. |
payrefid | string |
None. |
paynotes | string |
None. |
paycurrency | string |
None. |
paidtotal | decimal number |
None. |
emailsent | boolean |
None. |
dor | date |
None. |
dos | date |
None. |
childid | integer |
None. |
vendorid | integer |
None. |
staffid | integer |
None. |
token | string |
None. |
classid | integer |
None. |
wallet_amt | decimal number |
None. |
change | decimal number |
None. |
adminnotes | string |
None. |
credit_authrized | boolean |
None. |
cancelledby | string |
None. |
datecancelled | date |
None. |
reason | string |
None. |
createby | string |
None. |
show_parents | boolean |
None. |
balance_reminders | boolean |
None. |
cancelled_date | date |
None. |
update_by | string |
None. |
updatedate | date |
None. |
userid | integer |
None. |
mergeto | integer |
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